Posted in About the Program

Why Am I Doing This?

There are many reasons.

  1. To give myself a purpose and a project
  2. To prove to my Mom that I am still smart and motivated
  3. To prove to myself that I can stick with something
  4. To give a defined topic to my blog
  5.  To learn more about the world around me and my place in it

Why am I blogging about it?

  1. To gain accountability so I don’t slack-off
  2. Because one of the items in the program is to start a blog
  3. To prove that anyone can get an education inexpensively (and a blog inexpensively – I have three!)
  4. It sounds like a nifty idea

What will be my biggest obstacles?

  1. Slacking-off and giving up
  2. Working to much to find time to actually learn
  3. Convincing the blogosphere that it is a worthy cause
  4. Convincing the “real world” that it is a worthy cause
  5. Lack of internet on my travels

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