Posted in Economics, Investment, Weekly Update

Economics Update: Theory vs Practice

I realized yesterday that Economics is one of the main pillars of the Alternative Graduate program, and that I have been wholly neglecting it.

However, while I have been neglecting it, my stocks have been working in the background to finally show an overall profit in my investments since I started investing (albeit, that profit already fell in one day…)

This is a momentous occasion as when I was a traditional student of business and economics, I always always always lost money (luckily fake money) in the stock market game. Robinhood makes it easy to manage my stocks and even to buy fractional shares (the only way I can actually afford Amazon stock!)

To read up on more Economic News and Theory, you can still subscribe to the Economist, or check out the Morning Brew free newsletter to have up to date financial and world news delivered right to your inbox!

Economics and Investment Pillars:

  • Subscribe to The Economist or The Morning Brew and read it regularly
  • Get a free stock on Robinhood and try your hand at the market (US only)
  • Invest in entrepreneurs in developing countries through

I’ve completed the first two tasks, only one more to go before the end of the year!

P.S. Sorry for the shameful number of referral links, but I get a bonus and so do you, so why not help out my cause, sharing is caring! 🙂

Posted in Investment, Planning

Task #6: Investing

The sixth task is an interesting way to contribute to the world…

Loan money to an entrepreneur through and arrange to visit him or her while you’re abroad.

Cost: Likely $0 in the end, since 98% of loans are repaid.

Just briefly checked this out.  There are all sorts of loans to be made all over the world.  It’s a bit like gofundme or KickStarter for developing nations.  You can lend as little as $25 towards someone’s cause.  I can do that!  Now just to pick places I want to visit…

My Cost: Hopefully nothing as it will be repaid, but otherwise, $25.