Posted in General Knowledge, Learning, Reading

Re-Learning My ABC…Ds

One of the program tasks is very specific: Read The Know-It-All by A.J. Jacobs.

I’ve read through the ‘D’s so far.  Mr. Jacob’s sure picks some of the most interesting highlights from among all the entries.  He is a bit of a hypochondriac and terrified of atrophy.  I can get behind that, I’m terrified of falling apart as well.

The baculum is the penis bone, which apparently only hedgehogs, shrews, and bats have.  So I guess only those animals can truly “bone”.

Casanovathe famous ladies’ man, ended his life as a Librarian – gives a whole new twist to the “sexy librarian” fantasy!  Lightning actually travels from the ground to the sky, not the other way around (this must have fallen under climate).

When Pueblo Indian women want to divorce their husbands, they simply leave his moccasins on the doorstep and that’s it, they’re divorced.  So much less messy than our system!

Hopefully I can remember all these facts, everyone will want me for their trivia team!


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